Fellows Programs
Our fellows programs are an integral part of the support we provide Tuck students. Their purpose is three-fold:
- Enhance the academic experience through research and experiential learning opportunities;
- Create high-quality engagements for motivated students with external thought leaders, Tuck alumni, and Dartmouth faculty that advances the intellectual journey and illuminates career pathways;
- Create a body of knowledge and scholarship on issues at the intersection of business, government and society.
Business, Government & Society Fellows Program (CBGS MBA Fellows)
The Business, Government & Society Fellows Program enables students to deepen their understanding of the issues confronting the 21st century global economy and shaping the context in which business operates. It also gives them the opportunity to develop their capacity to lead within and across sectors. Fellows have the opportunity to lead seminars and conduct projects, exploring the issues that matter most to them and contributing to the center’s growing body of knowledge. They form meaningful connections with leading thinkers and doers, and share insight with the Tuck community.
The Business, Government & Society (CBGS) Fellowship is three-fold. To empower and provide fellows to:
- create substantive connections between motivated students and leading thinkers and doers,
- enable students to develop their understanding of the issues that matter most to them through a relevant co-curricular experience, and
- contribute to the Tuck Community: create conversations and awareness in the Tuck community on important issues.
CBGS Fellows have the opportunity to:
- Build Competencies for Creating Change in fellows-exclusive programming and workshops
- Be a Center Ambassador: Support, promote & engage with center and peer-facilitated programming
- Promote Community Understanding: Build facilitation skills and contribute to community understanding
- Be a Memorable Part of a Leader’s Time at Tuck: Not only have access to visitor engagements but facilitate components of their time on campus
- Create & Share: Whether bringing a speaker to campus, creating an off-campus learning experience, or hoping to publish---we are here to support
- Create a Community Around Shared Interest: Build a community around issues that matter most to you
Pictured: Emily Weis T’24 and President & CEO of the Boston Federal Reserve during Emily’s CBGS fellowship event, February 2024.
Nonprofit Board Fellows
The mission of the NPBF program is three-fold:
- Strengthening local nonprofit organizations through partnership
- Facilitating an experiential learning experience in nonprofit leadership and governance that allows MBA candidates to learn about the social, environments, and economic challenges and opportunities facing their local community and become involved in addressing them.
- Building the knowledge, skills, and experience for Fellows to continue to serve their local communities post-Tuck as empathetic, motivated, and effective board members
This program brings together Tuck students with local nonprofits. Second-year students participate as non-voting board members and become involved in the local community, applying their business skills, and learning directly about organizational governance. Participating organizations select 1-2 Fellows per year who will offer relevant skills and business acumen. They may choose to place their Fellows on committees or ask them to contribute to a particular initiative through project-based work. Throughout the program, Tuck faculty and the Center for Business & Society support sessions for Fellows to prepare for board service, build specific skills, and share their experiences.
View an example list of the nonprofits involved in the Board Fellows Program
Read student stories from past Board Fellows:
Supporting Community & Fostering Connections: The Nonprofit Board Fellows Program >
Strengthening the Bridge Between the Upper Valley and Tuck in a Time of Crisis >
“Being a CBGS fellow was a true highlight of my Tuck experience! It was a really meaningful way to engage with some of Tuck’s most impressive guests and get to know like-minded classmates better. As I leave Tuck and launch my career, I anticipate that I will draw heavily on my learnings and connections from the fellowship.”
Fiona Bowen T’24
CBGS MBA Fellow and Nonprofit Board Fellow
Small Group Discussions
The Center for Business, Government & Society facilitates small group discussions with business executives, alumni practitioners, and social sector leaders in conjunction with courses, providing students with opportunities to explore and advance their learning and career aspirations and building a foundation for further inquiry and collaboration. Past discussions have included:
- Martha Records T’91, Impact Investor and Partner at Green Spark Ventures
- Dwight Poler T’93, Philanthropist & Former Managing Director, Bain Capital Private Equity (Europe) Limited
- Justice Hosea Angula, Deputy Judge President of the High Court of Namibia, “Multi-Ethnic Society, Politics and Economic Development: Challenges of State Building in Namibia”
- Jenik Radon, Professor of International and Public Affairs, Columbia Univ./SIPA “Business & Human Rights”
- Matthew Weatherley-White D’86, Client Advisor, Caprock, “Impact Investing in the Age of COVID-19”
- Bob Searle T’96, Partner, Bridgespan Group, “Nonprofit Organizational Change & Growth”
- Phil Buchanan, President, Center for Effective Philanthropy, "Philanthropy During COVID-19"
- Keith Quinton D’80 T’82, Adjunct Professor, Boston College - Carroll Graduate School of Management “Sustainable Investing 101”
CBGS Speaker Events
Throughout the year, as part of the effort to integrate further debate on ethics and corporate responsibility into the MBA curriculum, the Center for Business, Government & Society hosts visiting executives from the private, nonprofit and public sectors. Guests articulate the real challenges of balancing multiple needs in an ever-changing landscape that includes corporate social responsibility practices, environmental impact, international development perspectives, and social entrepreneurship successes. A sample of recent Center-hosted visitors include:
- Salil J. Tripathi T'85 The Case for Human Rights in Business
- Jake Sullivan, U.S. Foreign Policy Expert, “The Art of Negotiation: The Iran Nuclear Deal in Focus”
- Ambassador Cameron Munter, Former Ambassador to Pakistan, “Leadership on the Front Lines: U.S. Foreign Policy and Business Today”
- Brian Gallagher, CEO Worldwide United Way, “Leadership During Crisis: The Role of Business Leaders in Strengthening Communities and Creating Greater Opportunity for All” | View event
- Matt Kelly D’95 CEO & David Paul T’89 President & COO, JBG Smith “A Real Estate Perspective on Amazon’s HQ2 Decision”
- Clara Miller, President Emerita, Heron Foundation, "Can Impact Investing Save Capitalism"
- Mike Pyle D’00, Global Chief Investment Strategist - BlackRock, Inc.,"From the Whitehouse to BlackRock"
- General Stanley McChrystal, “Leadership on the Front Lines—Covid-19 and Beyond” | View event
- Jacqueline Novogratz, Founder & CEO, Acumen, “Moral Imagination and Leadership for a New World" | View event
Health, Wealth, and Sustainability: Wicked Problems Series
The Wicked Problems Series will immerse Tuck students and Dartmouth undergraduates in complex social problems and prepare them to be wise, decisive leaders. Each of six events during the academic year will feature an expert on a “wicked problem” in conversation with a Tuck faculty member.